Monday, February 4, 2008

High School Behavior

High-School Behavior in a Work Environment:
I have a question for you: Why is it that we end up joining 'clans' at work? Did you notice that our actions around our work place reflect on our high-school behaviour? I had interviewed people, (becuase I did a paper on this in my last English class)
What they had to say was quite intersting. A lot of them said that they join 'groups' to feel accepted, and so they won't be frowned upon... .ring a bell?
I am or was going thru the same thing at my work place. I even confronted the lady that was talking behind my back... I said, "I don't know what I did to you, or what happened between us, but I need to know so our work-relationship will improve."
Her response: "Nothing, you did nothing... I just prefer not to talk to you, or be around you."
OOOKAY then.
What is that? She didn't even give me a chance as a person...I am more grown up than she is, the lady is 56 years old. Last year around this time, another girl... I say girl cause she's in her 30's was picking on me and yelling at me in front of customers. One day, I'd had it. I took her in front to my manager and told her, *sobbing* "What did I do to you? I deserve the same respect that I've been giving you... I don't know what your problem is or why you're treating me this way, but it stops, now." She actually said she was sorry. When I left my bosses office, my other co-workers called me over their desks and said, "Way to go, it's about damn time someone stood up to her."
WHOA! Way to go me!! I think everyone should be treated with the same respect... as the saying goes "Be treated like you want to be treated." I take that to heart.


erissa said...

I can't beleve some people from work. They can me a little odd. Dont you think? Well i'm glad you were able to confront the situation and not just leave it the way it was. So do you rather be part of a "clan" or to go it alone?

Sarah Rose said...

I would rather get along with everyone... ***
lol :0)

Cristina Devereaux Ramírez, Ph.D said...

Yes, I agree, there are people who behave like they were in high school. Sometimes it takes standing up to someone, confronting them, or even maybe showing them kindness when it's not really deserved. I have the same things happen to me at the college level. Go figure!