Friday, March 7, 2008


*** I am exhausted. I work from Mon-Fri 8-5p, and sometimes on the weekend; work for 3 or 4 hours. I go to school- I'm married and have child. WHERE IS "ME" time?? For once, I'd like to wake up, and have my husband say, "I've got a suprise for you." -Then he would take me out of town to a getaway- not worry about work, school work or my baby girl; as she would be taken care of. I'm tired. Simply put. Tuesday night; I went to dinner and a movie with my girlfriend... did I enjoy it? Not really; I knew that my computer was lurking around my house; waiting for me to come back and work. Yes, that night I stayed up until 11:30 working on my paper.
**This Mom/hard worker/wife/student is tired.

1 comment:

erissa said...

Its great that you have a family and are taking care of it but don't forget about yourself. If you ever want to have that day to just get out you should plan it! I would help you in whatever I can with your daughter (just let me know and i can take care of her for you). Hope you feel better and breath