Thursday, April 17, 2008


When does one know they have found 'love'? Who knows, truly- what is love? How can you define this? I am married, and I only think I know love, as I did marry at a very young age. My husband and I have been together for six years; I'm 23. Go figure. :0) I know there are different types of Love, I mean, you can love your Grandmother, but you don't feel that same way about your significant other. I love my daughter with everything I am- I know what that love is. I hear love described as "oh you can't think about anyone or anything else but them- when they call or come to see you, you get butterflies in your stomach" how do we know this is not a crush? Lotsa questions! I'd like some feedback. :0)


Greg said...

I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.

Gregory E. Lang
Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.

Oscar said...

What is love, good question. In my totally unprofessional opinion love is something that is beyond skin deep and one does not know when one is in love but rather one feels when one is in love.

If the same emotion can easily change to hate, then you know you're on the right track.